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International Yoga Day + Teacher Appreciation & Gathering in Union – in Yoga.

By June 25, 2024No Comments
  •  This past Friday – My Yoga Canyon Country, Hot For Yoga, Serenity Hot Yoga, and Yoga Yoga gathered as community, as one – in the essence of Summer Solstice & International Yoga Day.
  • Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root Yuj – meaning to join, to yoke, to unite…
  • …and that is what we did – we came together in union, we lived yoga.
  • How blessed are all of us to connect to the path of yoga and share the rich practice.
  • Truly a gift.
  • It is an honor to share yoga love from studio to studio with and alongside one another + out to those that seek the path.
  • This night we sat with a Full Moon – full hearts + magic & appreciation for our teachers – we love you!
  • Thank you studio owners for creating, for sharing and living yoga.
  • Thank you, teachers.  Our spaces & practices wouldn’t be what they are without you.
  • Namaste.