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Massage tools for a healthy body – workshop with Rebeccca – Part 1

By October 25, 2021October 27th, 2021No Comments

This workshop took place on October 23rd from 1-3pm. It was a cloudy day, but time was carved out for quite an amazing workshop. This workshop was educational, helpful, and applicable to anyone looking to add to their healthy lifestyle.

Rebecca guided us through science terms, philosophies, and new concepts in healthcare management. With Rebecca’s knowledge and experience, she was able to share her theory of health within the triad of healing: Structural/Physical, Nutritional/Chemical, and Emotional/Mental. She emphasized the importance of balance within this triad.

We went on a journey through this triad. We focused on specific muscles, found trigger points, and worked through them with an array of tools she brought with her, including one we made in-studio: a “Peanut,” made with two tennis balls and a sock. See the photo for the visual.

We also found more range and balance in our bodies with pre and post yoga poses and working through our own trigger points and achy areas with the tools Rebecca offered.
Alongside this work with the physical body, Rebecca shared emotions that correlate to certain trigger points and essential oils that could assist.

Rebecca also created quite an impressive powerpoint presentation for us to follow along with. Her passion definitely shined through in all that she gifted us!

We were able to walk away from this workshop with many tools, including our take home in-studio made “Peanut,” and an overall sense of empowerment in our own health and wellness journey.

“Peanut,” made with two tennis balls and a sock

This was part one of the workshop. There will be part two in November. Date and time: TBA.

Lastly, if you have any aches and pains and would like to work with Rebecca, feel free to book with her on her website for a free 20 minute telehealth consultation to see how she can help you further: