On April 2nd, 2022, Arielle guided and educated on a different approach to nutrition.
We first settled into a seated meditation with Arielle creating a pathway and visualization of our digestive system. We had our hands at heart and belly and then both hands at belly to physically connect deeper to the digestive space in our bodies. We had time to journal and share after this experience.
Arielle spoke on the connection of mind and emotions alongside our nutrition and digestion. The physical responses to the mental/emotional components were fascinating. Arielle shared her education and knowledge in this segment.
Arielle talked about trusting our bodies, and cultivating an inward sense: interoceptive awareness, opposed to the outward and external thoughts, ideas, and myths on food which could often be negative or not of truth.
We journaled and shared on all of the diets or myths about food and nutrition that we had heard, been around, or involved in.
We left the workshop thinking a bit differently about not only our physical relationship to food, but the emotional and mental affects, alongside the awareness internally.
Three take home questions:
- What am I really hungry for?
- How will it make me feel?
- What am I supporting by eating this food?