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Women’s Circle: Mothering Your Inner Child with Dee – May

By April 10, 2024May 13th, 2024No Comments
Women’s Circle: Mothering Your Inner Child with Dee – May
Date: May 11th
Time: 1:00-3:00pm

“Mothering Your Inner Child.”

Do you ever feel held back by negative self-talk and limiting beliefs? Do you have something you want to accomplish, but fear or worry is holding you back? You might need to let the old story or conditioning go by giving your inner child some mothering.

No matter what your relationship with your mother was like, there were likely needs you had as a child that weren’t met. This unique Reiki-infused women’s circle experience provides a safe space where you are entirely held and supported by Reiki as you go within to give your little you whatever they didn’t receive from your mother. This is an incredibly healing self-care event.

What to expect:

  •  an opportunity to share a sweet time of self-care and bond with other women
  • a guided meditation and sound experience to allow you to meet and nurture your inner child
  • one-on-one Reiki mini-sessions during the meditation experience,
    a somatic (movement) practice to release emotions and memories that need releasing
  • time to integrate your experience by journaling and voluntary group sharing,
  • a yummy receiving practice to fill your heart and mind with words of affirmation and support
  • a Reiki-infused crystal to use during the event and take home with you as a reminder of your sweet session with your inner child.


1 Session

Do you ever feel held back by negative self-talk and limiting beliefs? Do you have something you want to accomplish, but fear or worry is holding you back? You might need to let the old story or conditioning go by giving your inner child some mothering.


Dee Rowe moved to SCV from the San Diego area in 2022. At the same time, she quit the high-stress career she had for the last 12 years to focus on something more soul-aligned. She stumbled into women’s empowerment coaching and, through the training program she enrolled in, discovered the profound magic of women’s circles. This helped her begin healing her feminine wounds in ways that didn’t re-traumatize her. In 2023, around the same time she was learning the art of Circle, she found My Yoga Canyon Country in an online search. She signed up for a Restorative and Reiki class and instantly felt aligned with Michelina. She kept coming back and eventually met Ashley of Live Life Reiki. In March 2024, she received her Usui/Holy Fire III Level I and II Reiki placements. Her Circles are now infused with the love and light of Reiki as well as the intrinsic healing power of women coming together in a safe place.