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Nourishing Yoga Nidra, Celestial Sound Healing, and Organic Herbal Infusions with Lexy & Michelina – August

By July 11, 2023August 12th, 2023No Comments
Nourishing Yoga Nidra, Celestial Sound Healing, and Organic Herbal Infusions with Lexy & Michelina – August
Date: August 11th
Time: 7:30-9:00pm

This magical workshop is offered every 2nd Friday of the month.  It will begin with Michelina guiding you through a sequenced Yoga Nidra practice.  Yoga Nidra has been around for thousands of years but is newer to our Western culture.  Yoga Nidra is a meditation technique where you will be guided toward a deep state of relaxation.  This practice works through the brain waves and layers of the body – known as the Koshas – in navigating towards a deep rest.  A Nidra Nest will be set up for each yogi – which is a space filled with love for the experience.  Sankalpa will also be acknowledged, as a Sankalpa is similar to an intention – but with a little more depth.  A Sankalpa is a heartfelt vow or promise to self.  This will be an important piece to practice.  Lastly, Yoga Nidra is incarnation of Mother Divine in Yoga Mythology.  This opens space to invite Mother Divine, Deities ancestors, and loved ones alongside your Yoga Nourishing Nidra practice.

Michelina will seal up this component with some resonate sounds from her harmonium which will fuse into further sound healing by Earth Mama’s founder Lexy, who will fill the room with frequency from various instruments such as cosmic gongs, Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, drums, rain stick, ocean drum, and chimes.  Like Yoga Nidra Sound Healing has also been used for thousands of years and all around the world to heal both mental and physical ailments.  Sound healing triggers a relaxation response and thereby can reduce anxiety, improve sleep, lower blood pressure, help with PTSD and lower risk of heart disease to name just a few incredible benefits.

We will conclude the evening with a warm Herbal Infusion of Blue Lotus Tea.   Blue Lotus has its origins in Ancient Egypt, where it was regarded as sacred.  Ancient Egyptians used it for medicinal and mystical purposes.  As it can promote relaxation, sleep and lucid dreaming.   You will also find this sacred flower etched on the walls of the great pyramids and even in the great Pharaohs tombs as it was deeply embedded in their culture.   Buddha referred to the lotus in his teachings as a powerful metaphor:  “As a lotus flower in born in water, grows in water and rises out of water to stand above it unsoiled, so I, born in the world, raised in the world and having overcome the world, live unsoiled by the world.”  Seal your evening of deep rest with this peaceful bliss.


1 Session

In this magical workshop drop into a guided meditation + deep rest, followed by sweet sounds with harmonium, crystal bowls, cosmic gong, buffalo drum, tongue drum, rain stick, ocean drum, and chimes.  Healing and lots of love will be fused alongside these vibrations.  Our time will be sealed up with herbal infusions of Blue Lotus Tea.


With much joy, Lexy shares her offering of sound healing with our community. For her, Yoga Nidra and Sound Healing flow beautifully together as they both promote deep rest and healing in a harmonious, gentle and organic way.  Coming together with Michelina to share space and offer this workshop is truly an incredible opportunity that she cherishes deeply.


Michelina: holds a tender space in offering Yoga Nidra.  Yoga practice as a whole has allowed for Michelina to soften in a healthy way + find balance & acceptance.  In teaching Yoga Nidra she is able to share the strength in finding rest – this has been quite the lesson and journey.  She feels this piece of yoga practice is extremely powerful.  Michelina is also honored to share some resonate sounds from her harmonium + mantra.  Sharing voice and music has been quite an accomplishment in rising above words in that she was told she would not be able to share these types of talents.  Lastly, Michelina will fuse in her tongue drum and assist Lexy with chimes.  She is thrilled to facilitate alongside Lexy – as Lexy holds beautiful space with her sound healing, so much dedication, and love.